Ingredients for the Ganache
- 250 gr. milk chocolate ION
- 200 ml heavy cream (35% fat)
Ingredients for the Loukoumades
- 220 gr. all-purpose flour
- 50 gr. sugar
- 50 gr. corn flour
- 1 packet dry yeast
- 300 ml water (room temperature)
- Oil for frying
Method for Ganache
Place the milk chocolate and the heavy cream in a bain-marie.
Stir with a spatula until the mixture becomes a smooth and glossy ganache.
Method for the Loukoumades
Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk together.
While continuing to whisk, gradually add the water.
Once the mixture is homogeneous, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it in a
warm place for 30 minutes to 1 hour, until the mixture has risen.
Method for Frying
Heat oil well in a large frying pan.
Put on a glove on one hand and dip a large spoon into a glass of water.
Place the gloved hand into the dough and fill the palm with it.
By closing the palm, a small ball of dough forms near the thumb, which you can
scoop with the wet spoon and drop into the hot oil.
Every time you repeat, dip the spoon in water.
Once they gain color, turn the loukoumades to fry on the other side.
Finally, use a slotted spoon to remove them and place them on a plate lined with
non-stick paper to drain.
Immediately after, place them on a plate and pour the ganache over them.